
Christon Gray - Captain America ft. DJ Promote

Christon Gray - Captain America ft. DJ Promote
It seems to me that I am not the only one who thinks Jesus is Lord over everything... including patriotism. Such a fitting song for our society, Christon Gray's Captain America ft. DJ Promote takes on the looming giant that is the American culture, and shows it who's really boss. With several easily recognizable phrases like "Land of the free, home of the brave", "E Pluribus Unum", "Star Spangled Banner", and more American phrases, Christon uses clever wordplay and witty lyrics ranging from biblical references to phrases echoed by the culture, to show how Jesus is truly our world's "Captain America". With a beautiful piano melody played by Swoope, and amazing scratching from DJ Promote, the music is truly worthy of listening to alone minus the lyrics... but the lyrics on their own can provide amazing poetry. Form the two together, and you have the masterpiece that is Captain America.

Get Christon Gray's Captain America ft. DJ Promote Here

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